User Registrations
Registration Modes
In the Configuration page, an administrator can change the way a new user register on the server.
There is currently three modes:
- Registration forbidden (default): User cannot register on the website ;
- Registration allowed: User can register on the website. An email with a verification link will be send to their email address for verifying their identity before allowing them to log in the webite ;
- Registration allowed with administrator approval: Same as above, but the account will be in a pending state after the email address verification. The user will not be able to log in before an administrator accept the user in the Pending Users page. More information on the Managing Users page.
Restricted Email Domains
User registration can be limited to some domain names. For example, you might want to only accept registration from In this case, fill the field with the value
. You can add more domain names by separating them with a comma. For example:,
This restriction does not apply when creating a user with the "Create User" dialog in the admin panel.