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Widget Properties

These widget properties are used in functions like gui.setProperties().

Widget Properties List

These properties are generally available to all widgets:

Property Default Description
value "" The value of the widget.
isr FALSE If the value is an R expression.
css "" A list of CSS styles or a list of CSS class names.
margintop 10 The space over the widget in pixels.
labeltext "" The text of the label.
labelposition "left" The position of the label. Can be "left", "top", "topaligned" or "hidden".
helptext " The help text below the widget.
helpposition "bottom" The position of the help text. Can be "bottom" or "label".
required FALSE If the input is required.
onchange "" R Code to execute when the widget's value changed.
condition "" R condition when submitting the form.

Specific widgets properties


Property Default Description
onpress "" R code to execute when pressing the button.
buttonsize "md" The size of the button. Can be "sm", "md", "lg" or "fw".
buttondesign "primary" The style of the button. Can be "primary", "secondary", "success", "info", "warning", "danger", "light" or "dark".


Property Default Description
columnswidths c(4, 4, 4) The widths of each columns.
columnspadding 10 The padding between each columns.


Property Default Description
graphtitle ""
graphx ""
graphy ""



Allow the client-side sorting of the columns. Defaults to true.


Allow the filtering of the columns. Defaults to true.


Allow to dynamically add rows when pasting from Excel or from another source.


The columns labels as a vector of strings.


A vector of column widths in percentage. For example c(20, 10, 70) will set the first column to 20% of the total grid width, 10% for the second column and 70% for the third and last column.


The total height of the grid. Leaving it to 0 will automatically determine a height.


The number of columns.


The number of rows.


The rows labels as a vector of strings.


Show or hide the row labels columns.


Styling and formatting rules to apply. This should be a list of lists (R) or an array of array (python). Each final list/array should have either code, css or code, format, numberFormat entries.

code is a simple programming language that must return true or false to determine if the CSS or the formatting rule will apply. This code is called and tested for each displayed cells in the grid. Operators like ==, ===, !=, !==, >, >=, <, <=, &&, ||, parentheses (), strings, boolean true/false and numbers are supported. There are also special keywords:

  • col is the column index (starting with 0) of the currently tested cell;
  • colname correspond to the column name of the currently tested cell;
  • row is the row index of the cell;
  • rowname is the row name of the cell;
  • value correspond to the value of the cell.

css is the css code that will be apply inline in a style="" HTML tag for the cell.

format and numberFormat determine how the data will be displayed. Currently, format only support one value: number, which will then use the numberFormat to format the number. numberFormat is a string that can contain a prefix, a suffix, thousands separator, decimal separator and unforced (#) or forced (0) digits. Here are some examples:

Number format Number Output
#,##0.#### 1234567.890 1,234,567.89
$ #,###.00 -1234567.890 $ -1,234,567.89

Here are some complete example of gridStylingRules:

# The first rule will format all numbers in the disp column to a French currency format.
# The second rule will display all values in the disp column above 300 in green.
# Third rule will display all values in the disp column below 100 in red.
gui.setProperty("this", "grid", "gridStylingRules", list(
  list(code="colname === 'disp'", format="number", numberFormat="# ###,00 €"),
  list(code="colname === 'disp' && value > 300", css="color: #0F0"),
  list(code="colname === 'disp' && value < 100", css="color: #F00")


Please note that setting gridStylingRules multiple times will not append new rules, but will replace all previous rule.


The type of the grid. Can be "text", "integer", "float" or "checkbox". If the variable passed to the grid is a data frame, this property is ignored.


Disable sending back grid data after submit. Can be used for big read-only data for preventing lags.


Property Default Description
fontsize 14 The size of the font in widget.
fontfamily "default" The family of the font.
fontcolor "#000000" The color of the font.


Property Default Description
boxdesign "light" The style of the list. Can be "primary", "secondary", "success", "info", "warning", "danger", "light" or "dark".
boxheader "" The list header.


Property Default Description
min "" The minimal value allowed.
max "" The maximal value allowed.
step "" The step between each value.


Property Default Description
progresscolor "#27ae60" The color of the progress bar or circle.
progressdescription "%" The text of the progress bar or circle.

R Repeaters

Property Default Description
intervalcode "" The R Code to execute.
intervaltime 1000 The interval in ms between each R execution.


Property Default Description
tabsnames [] The names of the tabs.
tabscurrent 1 The currently selected tab index.