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Javascript API


Return the id of the current step. The id is the one defined by the developer in the .pseq file.

RPGM.sendMessage(language, message, data = {})

Send a message to a language with some optional data.

  • Language can be either r or python;
  • Message is a string;
  • Data can be a boolean, a string, a number, an array or an object.


Return a string of the URL for an output file. Mainly used in RPGM Server.

RPGM.on(message, callback)

This add a new custom handler for RPGM events.

Currently there are 4 events fired:

  • didEnterStep(customStepId) is emitted when entering in a new step in the app. This event is guaranteed to be emitted only once and will be emitted one time after all the custom Javascript and CSS files are loaded;
  • didReceiveMessage(message, data, language) is emitted when receiving a packet from R or Python sent with rpgm.sendToJavascript;
  • willLeaveStep(customStepId) is emitted when exiting a step. This should be used for cleaning the DOM or any Javascript code;
  • willDispose() is emitted when quitting the app. This should be used to gracefuly clean the DOM or any Javascript code., callback)

Remove an event handler previously set with RPGM.on().