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Javascript API


Returns the id of the current step. The id is the one defined by the developer in the .pseq file.

RPGM.sendMessage(language, message, data = {}, options = {})

Sends a message to a language with some optional data.

  • Language can be either r or python;
  • Message is a string;
  • Data can be a boolean, a string, a number, an array, or an object.
  • Options is an optional parameter of an object which can contain the following properties:
    • rArrayType can take as values "vector", "list" or "auto", and will control how JS arrays will be converted to R. "auto" will convert any array containing data of the same primitive type to a vector, and a list otherwise.


Returns a string of the URL for an output file. Mainly used in RPGM Server.

RPGM.on(message, callback)

Adds a new custom handler for RPGM events.

Currently there are 4 events fired:

  • didEnterStep(customStepId) is emitted when entering in a new step in the app. This event is guaranteed to be emitted only once and will be emitted one time after all the custom Javascript and CSS files are loaded;
  • didReceiveMessage(message, data, language) is emitted when receiving a packet from R or Python sent with rpgm.sendToJavascript;
  • willLeaveStep(customStepId) is emitted when exiting a step. This should be used for cleaning the DOM or any Javascript code;
  • willDispose() is emitted when quitting the app. This should be used to gracefully clean the DOM or any Javascript code., callback)

Removes an event handler previously set with RPGM.on().