Widgets CSS
For all widgets, this documentation shows the generated code.
Variables like {custom CSS}
or {margin top property}
are replaced
by the value set in the widget properties.
Generic CSS
is a div containing each widget. The number is randomly generated at runtime,.pgm-widget
the class on the#pgm-widget-{{number}}
div, containing every widget;.pgm-widget-label-top
is the class for the label on top of a widget;.pgm-widget-message
is the div containing the message below the widget, used for errors and language messages;.pgm-widget-message-{success, warning, error}
controls the color of the widget's message;.pgm-widget-help
is the div below a widget for the help text.
Widget without label
Widget with top label
<div class="pgm-widget-label-top" style="margin-top: {margin top property}px">
Widget with top aligned label
<div class="pgm-row" style="margin-top: {margin top property}px">
<div class="pgm-col-2 pgm-col-padding-right"></div>
<div class="pgm-col-10">
<div class="pgm-widget-label-top">{label}</div>
Widget with left label
<div class="pgm-row" style="margin-top: {margin top property}px">
<div class="pgm-col-2 pgm-col-padding-right pgm-widget-label">{label}</div>
<div class="pgm-col-10">{widget}</div>
is the design of all the buttons in the PGM section;.pgm-button-sm
(large) will change the button size;.pgm-button-fw
will make a block, full width button;.pgm-button-form
will make a block, full width button of the same height as the other inputs;.pgm-button-primary
changes the color and look of the button.
Container box / list
<div class="pgm-widget-box pgm-widget-box-{design}" {custom CSS}>
<div class="pgm-widget-box-header">{header}</div>
is the main div of the box;.pgm-widget-box-header
is the header part of the box list, and is omitted is there is no header content;.pgm-widget-box-{primary, secondary, success, info, warning, danger, light, dark, none}
controls the look and colors of the box.
Container columns
<div class="pgm-widget-columns" {custom CSS}>
<div class="pgm-widget-column pgm-widget-column-{width}" data-columns="{widget internal id}" data-column="{column id}">{column widgets}</div>
{other columns}
Container tabs
<div class="pgm-widget-tabs-container" {custom CSS}>
<div class="pgm-widget-tabs">
<div class="pgm-widget-tab pgm-widget-tab-selected" data-tabs="{widget internal id}" data-tab="{tab id}">{tab label}</div>
{other tabs headers}
<div class="pgm-widget-tabs-contents">
<div class="pgm-widget-tab-content" data-tabs="{widget internal id}" data-tab="{tab id}">{tab content}</div>
{other tabs contents}
<div id="pgm-widget-graph-{widget internal id}" class="pgm-widget-graph" style="margin: 0 auto; width: {graph width}%; height: {graph height}px" {custom CSS}></div>
<input class="pgm-widget-input" type="{range, number}" min="{min}" max="{max}" step="{step}" value="{value}" {custom CSS}/>
<label class="pgm-widget-switch" {custom CSS}>
<input type="checkbox" ${checked}>
<span class="pgm-widget-switch-slider"></span>
<div class="pgm-row pgm-widget-path" {custom CSS}>
<div class="pgm-col-10">
<input type="text" class="pgm-widget-input pgm-widget-path-input" value="{value}"/>
<div class="pgm-col-2 pgm-col-padding-left">
<button class="pgm-button pgm-button-form pgm-button-primary pgm-widget-path-button">Browse...</button>
<div class="pgm-widget-progressbar" {custom CSS}>
<div class="pgm-widget-progressbar-inner" style="background-color: {color}; width: {percentage}%; color: {calculated text color}">{description}</div>
<svg width="120" height="120" {custom CSS}>
<text x="50%" y="51%" font-family="Verdana" font-size="20" fill="#777777" dominant-baseline="middle" text-anchor="middle">{description}</text>
<circle class="pgm-widget-progresscircle" stroke="{color}" [...] />
Radio / Checkbox
<div class="pgm-widget-label" {custom CSS}>
<input type="{radio, checkbox}" name="pgm-widget-{radio, checkbox}-{widget internal id}" value="{value}" {checked}/> {text}
{other options}
Select / Multiselect
Please note that the code below is hidden and replaced with a custom widget using Choices JS.
<select class="pgm-widget-input" {custom CSS} {multiple}>
<option value="{value}" title="{text}" {selected}>{text}</option>
{other options}
Text input
for the top left cell.excel-content tr
for the rows of the content.excel-cellselector
the selected cell (by default:border: 2px solid #4b89ff;
the selected range (by default:border: 1px solid rgb(231, 76, 60); background-color: rgba(231, 76, 60, 0.12);