CSS Reference
This page contains the CSS selector names for styling RPGM within an application, by using custom CSS code in the project settings.
is the whole container of an RPGM app;#pgm-content
is the current content of the app;#pgm-content-past
is the content while viewing a past step;.pgm-sidebar-on
are applied to#pgm-content
and its past counterpart if the sidebar is shown or hidden.
is the sidebar container;#pgm-menu-logo
is the logo in the sidebar;#pgm-menu-title
is the title of the app in the sidebar;#pgm-menu-content
is the content of the menu;.pgm-menu-item
is a single step in the sidebar menu;.pgm-menu-item-active
is the additional class for the currently active step in the app;.pgm-menu-item-selected
is the additional class for the step the user is looking at.
Script step
is the main container of the whole script sequence;.pgm-script-spinner
is the rotating spinner;.pgm-script-label
is the label with the elapsed time and/or finished message;.pgm-script-progress
is the main container of the custom progress display;.pgm-script-progress-bar
is the progress bar container;.pgm-script-progress-bar-inner
is the inner bar of the progress bar;
is the custom text below the progress bar.
GUI step
is the container of a GUI sequence;button[data-click="gui:submit"]
is the submit button of a GUI.
See the Widgets CSS page for widget styling.
End step
is the container of the whole end sequence;.pgm-end-message
is the "finished" label;.pgm-end-files
is the output file cards;.pgm-end-files-title
is the "Output files:" title;.pgm-end-files-list
is the files container;.pgm-end-file
is a single output file;
is the container of the restart/quit button;.pgm-end-restart
are the restart and quit button.
Toasts notifications
is the notifications container;.toast
is a single toast container;.toast-{type}
is the type of the notification: success, info or error.