Widget Types
This is a list of currently available widget types and their possible subtypes. It can be used in functions like gui.add(step, id, type)
Type | Description |
box |
A layout widget for displaying widgets in a list or in a box. |
button |
A button triggering something when pressed. |
columns |
A layout widget for creating columns of widgets. |
date |
An input for selecting a date. |
graph |
Displays an interactive graphic. |
grid |
An Excel-like grid for data like matrices. |
image |
Displays an image. |
interval |
Runs an R code automatically. |
label |
Displays a simple text. HTML can be used. |
number |
An input for entering a number. Subtypes can be float for decimal numbers, integer for integers and slider for a slider-like input. |
onoff |
An input for turning something ON or OFF, TRUE or FALSE. Subtypes can be checkbox for a standard HTML checkbox or switch for a custom mobile-like switch. |
path |
An input for choosing a file or a folder. Subtypes can be file or folder |
progress |
Displays a progress bar or circle. Subtypes can be progressbar or progresscircle |
select |
An input for selecting a value. Subtypes can be select , multiselect , radio or multicheckboxes |
tabs |
A layout widget for organizing widgets in tabs. |
text |
An input for writing texts. Subtypes can be text or textarea for a multi-line text input. |