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Handsontable module events

The Handsontable module comes with an event system where you can add functions that will be called when something happens on the grid. To setup a new hook on an event, you have to call Handsontable.on() with the unique id of your table, the event and your callback function. Additional parameters are in a list passed as the first argument to the function. Here is an example:

Handsontable.on('main', 'onDidChangeSelection', function(selection){
        cat("Selection: nothing is selected!\n")
    else {
        cat(paste0("Selection: from (",selection[[1L]],",",selection[[2L]],") to (",selection[[3L]],",",selection[[4L]],")!\n"))

You can also use a previously created function:

myCallback <- function(selection){
        cat("Selection: nothing is selected!\n")
    else {
        cat(paste0("Selection: from (",selection[[1L]],",",selection[[2L]],") to (",selection[[3L]],",",selection[[4L]],")!\n"))

Handsontable.on('main', 'onDidChangeSelection', myCallback);


Called when the user changed the current selection in the table. The callback only have one parameter, selection, which is NULL if nothing is selected. Otherwise, it's a vector of 4 values:

  • The first value is the index of the starting row;
  • The second value is the index of the starting column;
  • The third value is the index of the ending row;
  • The last value is the index of the ending column.


Called when the user changes the value of the table. The callback must have 3 parameters:

  • columns: the column names;
  • rows: the row names;
  • value: the data frame.


onDidLoad is called when the grid finished its initialization, and is ready to be updated or modified. There is no argument to onDidLoad.